Smart Packaging Minimizes Shipping Costs

The customer’s challenge

A distribution centre for medical goods distributes the bulk of its products by air freight. The volume of the package determines the transport costs. How can the fill rate of the outgoing boxes be improved? The distribution centre suspected that the outgoing boxes were half-filled with air and filling materials at least, but they were not capable of improving the fill rate.

Sioux's contribution

Sioux developed solutions for the logistical segment for a more efficient, cheaper and eco-friendlier packaging and transport process. These solutions were so successful that they resulted in the subsidiary Districs. Districs analyses the shipping process based on ERP data and determines the optimal box sizes for distribution centres. Furthermore, Districs offers lightweight software that ensures that the best box is picked on the packing tables every time.


The combination of box optimisation and box selection resulted in considerable savings on transport costs, without having to invest in expensive hardware. At the same time, the client has more control over their shipping process and is able to reduce their CO2 footprint.


Orientation, data acquisition, data validation, optimisation and workshops. Mathware technologies: genetic algorithms and Java.

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